March 16, 2021 SAINT PATRICK'S DAY Sa int Patrick's day is soon upon us, and we all claim Irish roots. My DNA analysi s by 23&Me says that I'm 63% British and Irish, but doesn't differentiate further. Mary, bless her Irish heart, is 100% Both of us are identified with the Irish counties our family stories claimed. A few years back I painted three Irish saints framed in a triptych group. Here are the Saints of Erin, with an explanation of the complex symbolism that I incorporated. You can click on the picture to see it larger. SAINTS OF ERIN This triptych is a grouping of three individual acrylic paintings united in a triple tabernacle style frame that I designed and fabricated. Each panel depicts a saint long venerated in Ireland. There is a color and a metal theme in each panel, a cross or cross-surrogate identified with the saint, “attributes” (items associated with specific saints in iconogr...