International House: The Goines Posters
International House The Goines Posters The Thanksgiving through Christmas season is the time when we remember what we are grateful for as we send end of the year charitable contributions. My educational opportunities were a blessing for me and my family. A part of this was the year I lived at International House in Berkeley. (, a remarkable institution which I support annually. For the 50th and 75th anniversary of I-House, the talented graphic designer David Lance Goines produced and printed limited editions of commemorative posters for the occasions. As both an I-House supporter and a graphics design affectionato I purchased each when issued. I didn't know if either I or Goines would be around for a 100th anniversary poster, but last year a 90th anniversary poster was produced as a fund raiser for International House by Goines and I bought it. I encourage you to learn more about Intern...