
19 May 2021 PAREIDOLIA HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU! Our brains are hard-wired to look for faces in patterns we see. This phenomenon is called pareidolia It doesn't take too much to "see" a face. I amused our kids and grand-kids by showing them the little faces on pansies . I play this to advantage in my painting to make suggestive facial features where detailed representation would be too busy or distracting. I encounter faces every day. There's one looking back at me from the railing when I do my end of walk stretches on the Havre de Grace waterfront promenade... There's a face peering up at me from my take-out cup if I pick up a cup of coffee on my drive back home... When I get home, my exercise shorts stare back when I hang them up... I unlatch the casement window in the bedroom, and - what? - another voyeur... .Are you seeing faces? Post them as comments. Hearing voices doesn't count.