
Showing posts from July 27, 2021

"Blackground" Paintings 2: Florida Fauna

  27 July 2021 BLACKGROUND PAINTINGS 2  FLORIDA FAUNA In and around Sarasota, FL I have snapped pictures that have served as references for later acrylic paintings.  Here's an armadillo that I ran across on a predawn walk on a golf course cart path.  In the small figures along the bottom the armadillo is rolling up into an armored protective ball.  Around our daughter's swimming pool, lizards scurry.  I've take liberties with the colors. Here's a more naturalistic lizard.   This anhinga was drying his wings along a reservoir walk in Venice, FL. The background line map is a 16th century Spanish representation of the west coast of Florida. I've signed it with a monogram mimicking Spanish calligraphy of that era. "Anhinga" is in a found frame.