"Bugs and Such" A Birthday Book

 Bugs and Such

A Birthday Book


Today is our great-grandaughter Alaina's fifth birthday.  For her first birthday I wrote, illustrated, and printed a little book for her, Bugs and Such.  The book comprises little verses about little creeping, crawling, and flying critters.  I printed one copy for Alaina on Tyvek, which resists tearing, and one copy on paper for myself, a very limited edition.
Here's a sample of the contents...

You can see the whole book as a pdf at https://docdro.id/aG7nDwH where it will be temporarily available.  If you view it in Adobe Acrobat reader use Scrolling Two Page View with Show Cover Page in Two Page View to get the appropriate facing pages.

For Alaina's second birthday I did another book, but that's a different story.



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