Three Whimsies
Three Whimsies
Usually when I start a painting I have a plan, or at least, a concept for the completed work. But on occasion I just make something up on the spot, often something whimsical. Here are three paintings done on such a whim.
Dollie is acrylic on Masonite with a spray painted matte black ground coat. Is she an angel, a barrister, a cleric? My signature monogram is a stylized angel.
Fluer is also acrylic on a black ground, this time on a wooden craft store plaque. She is haloed with an arc of flowers also from my imagination.
The Gardiner is also acrylic on Masonite, now with a spray painted copper ground. For The Gardiner I made a frame from scraps of molding from an earlier project.
I spray painted it gold, then added color highlights to the berries and tendrils.
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